2021 Virtual AAA Master Class & Concert Series Online Now with Dr. William Schimmel

August 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
AAA Logo

The American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) is presenting a 2021 Master Class & Concert Series with Dr. William Schimmel, moderator and curator, from July 30th to August 1st, 2021. This event will be held online the same as the very successful 2020 event. Entitled “The Twilight Time” (The magical place from light to darkness), the AAA Master Class and Concert Series will feature daily masterclasses from 3:PM to 4:PM and concerts from 4:PM to 5:PM.

Welcome to our 27th Year and like last year, the master classes and concerts will be virtual.

The topics will include:
A new AAA commissioned work
51 ways to go – oom pah
Playing the Accordion for babies
The use of the Accordion for Special needs adults
Sea Shanties
The accordion in confined space
The Accordion and Alcohol – including Happy Hour
The Accordion and no Alcohol – Coffee and Culture
New exciting videos
The accordion and the “chi”
The resonance of the accordion when absent
Which/What – Which accordion for what purpose
Unusual accordions and accordion replacements and how to use them
Art Songs, Indie Songs and new takes on Rapture Hymns and Psychedeliia

And Twilight Time:
The short list of featured participants will include:
Micki Goodman, Dr. Robert Young Mc Mahan, Paul Stein, Will Holshouser, Dr. Denise Koncelik,
Godfrey Nelson, Lorraine Nelson Wolf, Michael Schimmel, Dr. Hugo Goldenzweig, John Foti, Jeanne Velonis, Bachtopus, The Main Squeeze Orchestra, Mary Spencer Knapp, Charita Paramikatorn, Sarah Starpoli, Miwa Gemini, Jennie Muoio, Erica Marie Mancini, Carl Riehl, Doug Makofka, Bob Goldberg, David Stoler, Benjamin Ickies, Corn Mo, Brian Dewan, Mike’s Place (Mike, Edith, Keith, Tony, Brian, Micki), Ted Nash, The Yorkvillians, Melissa Elledge, Rachel Quirbach, Rachel Swaner, Elaine Yau, Peter Flint, Robert Duncan, Mayumi Mayaoka, Dan Cooper, Michio Suzuki, John Ferraro, Dave Soldier, David First, Peter Jarvis, Linda Reed, Raymond Storms, Natasia Thweatt, Gene Pritsker, Quentin Tice, Milica Paranosic, Elliott Sharp and others to be announced. – and Dr. Schimmel (the long list on the downloadable flyer may contain some past participants)

The Zoom links will be provided shortly before the event

$110 for entire weekend – $25 per individual master class or concert – $40 per day (includes Master Class and Concert)

Download the AAA Masterclass flier for a full list of participants and reservation information:
Online reservations: http://www.ameraccord.com/annualmasterclass.php