The 30th AAMS Festival events begin on 5:PM on Friday March 6, 2020 and continue through 9:30 PM on Saturday March 7, 2020. The events include 4 workshops, 2 festival orchestras which will be directed by guest conductors Dee Langley and festival honoree Joan C. Sommers. Festival orchestra music is now available.
All events will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-Cherry Hill. Route 70 Cherry Hill, NJ
AAMS room rate is $110.00 plus taxes.
Registration is now being accepted. All full registrations received prior to February 1st will receive a $10.00 credit per full registration towards one honoree banquet ticket. Attend exciting workshops presented by Joan Sommers, Joe Natoli, and Al Terzo.
Workshop topics are:
“Really Useful Technique to be Mastered in Pieces Instead of Exercises! And The Importance of Sight-Reading Skills!” Presented by Joan C. Sommers:
Joan Cochran Sommers began teaching at the age of 14 and soon after that also began conducting an accordion ensemble. In addition to having many award-winning accordion orchestras, she also taught many students who earned prizes in the different levels leading to and including the Coupe Mondiale. During her years of teaching all levels of students, she found there were certain pieces and selected exercises which could produce some of the many important techniques needed in order to become an award-winning player. She will demonstrate some of these during this workshop. Bring an accordion if you would like to do so.
“Combining Studio Quality Digital Home Recording with Video Production” Presented by Joseph Natoli:“This workshop anticipates giving you the freedom to finally record yourself in the privacy of your own home, thereby avoiding the steep hourly fees of recording studios (from $100—$200 per hour). But it is taken one step further to show you how to use Video software to take your studio quality audio track and expertly combine it with a recorded video of your performance. Also, you will be shown how to insert text and/or other pictures in addition to your video performance to come up with a nice production that will be ready for YouTube, a DVD disc, or to post elsewhere online if that is your desire. You will be taught to use inexpensive and even FREE audio and video recording software that has all the tools and capabilities that you will ever need to produce very high-end studio quality recordings and videos.Certainly, everyone has different motivation for why they want to record themselves — to keep as a memento, share recordings with family and friends, create a professional demo CD/DVD, to create marketable and respectable studio quality recordings that can be sold for extra income, or to create an audio track along with your YouTube videos. Whatever your reasons, this course will provide you the tools to realize your ambitions.”
“Al Terzo and Friends” Performances and composer biographical info on some of the accordions standard repertoire.
Question and Answer Panel:
Please submit questions ahead of time for discussion by workshop presenters and festival orchestra directors.
Reserve your spot at the exciting honoree banquet, with MC Manny Bobenreith. 2020 AAMS guest of honor: Joan C. Sommers
For more information, contact Joanna Darrow: acmeaccordion@gmail.com 856-854-6628
Flying in for the festival, please note that Philadelphia international airport (phl) is only 20 minutes from festival location.
A dedicated website is now available for your reservations. To book your hotel rooms online: please go to this web address: https://book.passkey.com/e/49928858
Need to make your reservation by phone? Contact 1-888-233-9527 between the hours of 7:00 AM and 11:00 PM
Be sure to mention AAMS – American Accordion Musicological Society in order to receive the rate of $110.00 plus taxes. Single – Double – Triple – Quad
Reservations must be made by 5 PM on February 10 in order to receive this special rate.