A Beautiful Celebration: Linda Soley Reed’s Virtual Lifetime Achievement Award
June 1st 2021
Joan Grauman Morse, AAA Historian

Download the 24 page booklet Celebrating Linda Soley Reed – tributes by her friends in honor of her 2021 AAA Lifetime Achievement Award. Celebrating Linda Soley Reed is available here in PDF format for you to download and enjoy.
After months of careful planning, gathering outstanding musical and verbal tributes, endless meetings and phone calls between the committee members, Linda’s heartfelt virtual Lifetime
Achievement Award celebration was presented Sunday, May 23, 2021 to a very appreciative Zoom audience. Friends, colleagues and relatives from all over the world attended — what a touching sight — to honor the American Accordionists’ Association’s 2021 award recipient, Linda Soley Reed.
I would like to acknowledge and thank my fellow committee members, AAA President Dr. Joseph Ciccone, Don Gerundo and Marilyn O’Neil for their tireless work in preparation for Linda’s well-deserved award. I would also like to thank our amazing emcee Manny Bobenrieth who worked with us for weeks, helping anywhere he was needed. Dominic Karcic came onboard to assist those having problems with Zoom — a very necessary and appreciated job!
At Linda’s personal request, Dr. Robert Young McMahan and Dan Mastroianni wrote pieces in her honor, which were premiered at the event. Due to time constraints, only excerpts from these compositions were featured. Others who played and recorded for Linda were: Joe Cerrito, Mario Tacca, Eddie Monteiro, Don Gerundo, Frank Busso, Sr., Dr. Joe Ciccone, Manny Bobenrieth, Guy Klucevsek, Mary Tokarski, Frank Toscano and Alexander Poeluev. Speakers were Dr. Joe Ciccone, Joan Cochran Sommers, Harley Jones and Kevin Friedrich.
I know I speak for everyone of us when I say that this entire production was a total labor of love to honor a remarkable woman and great friend who has given “her all” to the AAA for decades! Sadly, Linda’s health began to decline earlier this year. We are grateful to Linda’s family for their assistance in presenting Sunday’s event to Linda in her hospital room. In Linda’s words, “I absolutely loved it!”
In closing, here are the beautiful words of AAA Board member, and Linda’s close friend, Marilyn O’Neil:
“Throughout the process of working alongside my AAA colleagues, I kept reflecting on the story of my relationship with this extraordinary woman. I know full well many of you have known our Linda since childhood. She walked into my life with that history inside of her; all the contributions that all of you made that make her the person she is today.
What did I see and hear in my mind’s eye? I saw Linda conducting our CAA Orchestra, growing our group from infancy to adulthood, educating us, honing our skills. I heard the laughter, felt the warmth, endured the challenges we faced and enjoyed the great times we had. I saw her leadership, her caring, her unwavering devotion to the CAA. I felt her love. I feel it still.
As our AAA “Mother”, as Joe Ciccone aptly describes her, Linda’s combination of skills as a leader, a creator and as an accordionist continue to influence the direction our organization has taken to keep our beloved instrument alive.
As long as the accordion is in my life, the Lifetime Achievements of Linda Soley Reed will reside in me.”
In closing, I would like to request that everyone keep our beloved Linda Soley Reed in your thoughts and prayers!