International Music on the Porch Day!……. With Your Accordion!!

August 1st 2022
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
porch day

Video 1: About Play Music on the Porch Day

What if for one day everything stopped…..And we all just listened to the music?

Music on the Porch Day is an international day of music. Save the date! August 27, 2022. Every year (Since 2017) on this date (the last Saturday of the month), musicians gather and perform mini concerts in the comfort of their porch, providing entertainment for the local neighbors. Consider bringing out your accordion and participating, sharing your talent with others. Participation is easy.

Just gather friends, go outside and play music together and you don’t even need a porch to join in. Share a video on your favorite social media with #playmusicontheporchday. In 2020 thousands of musicians from at least 76 countries and over 1600 cities from around the world participated!

Since 2018, thousands of musicians from over 59 countries and 675 cities from around the world participated. What city and country are you participating from! This information is only for us to demonstrate how many people from around the world are participating.

Register to be on the official worldwide map of participants at View map at

The accordion is the perfect instrument for Music on the Porch Day! Send your photos/videos of you on your porch or front lawn playing your accordion, perhaps with musical friends who sing or play. Send to

Let’s tell everyone about Music on the Porch Day by doing these things:
• Tell any neighborhood groups
• Reach out to any musicians you know
• Many libraries have been hosting events – Tell your local Library
• Invite the local High School Band
• Many Coffee Shops are hosting events – Tell your local coffee shop
• Tell your local Paper
• Tell your local Music Stores
• Post a flyer in any local community groups
• Use the Facebook Event to invite your friends
Please share any other ideas you may have. Also share any plans you are making. Your ideas will help others get involved!

Let’s build a better world through music!  I will post in a future publication of the USA news!

For further information:
Send photos and videos to: