Leaping Into the Future: New Accordion Association for Young Adult Accordionists 18 – 29
July 1st 2022
Norman Seaton, President National Accordion Association (NAA)
A new accordion association is being proposed for Young Adult Accordionists (ages 18-29). The National Accordion Association (NAA) is looking for young adult accordionists who are leaping into their future while continuing to play the accordion. Regardless of their current position in this exciting new life, the NAA wants to support members of this group as long they continue to play the accordion along life’s journey. All of us know that this age group can use the accordion as a social instrument, a hobby, part-time income, and/or to develop a musical-related career.
Will this “Young Adult Accordionists Association” be Successful? The Seatons need facts before this question can be answered.
As founders of this idea and college professors, Drs. Norman Seaton and Sharon Seaton are asking all known accordionists to encourage those in this age group to complete the “Young Adult Needs Analysis Survey” that will close on August 1, 2022. At that time, the Seatons will make the “go or no go” decision. Meanwhile, Sharon Seaton will be researching funding to support this group of young adults as they continue playing the accordion.
You may feel free to view the survey before recommending those in the 18-29 age bracket. If you are equal to, or greater than 30 years old, do not complete the survey. We want their opinions only.
Survey Link: Young Adult Accordionist Association Needs Analysis Study URL: https://forms.gle/EehbEjRE2QyG3tZ67