Happy Holidays! Whatever you are celebrating this season, we would love to hear what it sounds like. We will be accepting video submissions for our Holiday Member Video Series now through December 12, 2021.
A few important things to remember when sending in your video:
1. Downloadable file format only. (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
2. All skill levels are encouraged to participate
3. Please keep videos under 10 minutes.
4. No inappropriate content. (drugs, violence, language)
5. Must have a NAAC member in the video.
Send your videos to contact@thenaac.org
Submissions will be accepted now through Dec. 12.
New videos will be posted as we receive content.
Please include:
– Your name and where you’re from
– Name of any other performers in your video
– Title and composer of your piece
– A brief description of less than 100 words.
It is always a privilege to share and receive musical gifts. Please show us what your gifts are this holiday season.
Gabe Hall-Rodrigues and the NAAC team
For further information: contact@thenaac.org