New Accordion Club: Toronto Accordion Club

July 1st 2022
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News

The Administrator of the Toronto Accordion Club, Alan Scheer, shares, “Welcome all to the new Toronto Accordion Club! I started this group because Toronto is one of the only cities on the continent that doesn’t have an accordion club. The closest one is in Burlington which meets online now. There are accordion clubs in Montreal,Calgary, Victoria and throughout the United States. Hopefully our membership will grow and one day we will be able to meet in person.”

The newly formed Toronto Accordion Club invites players and accordion enthusiasts of all levels to join. You can find out more information on the Toronto Accordion Club Facebook page. The goal of this group is to inform one another of activities of interest to accordion enthusiasts and to begin building a group to meet on a regular basis in the Toronto vicinity.

AWW wishes the Toronto Accordion Club many musical meetings with accordion enthusiasts of all levels. The main idea is to enjoy and learn about the accordion!

For further information: