The Accordion Global Association 2022

January 1st 2022
Dr William Schimmel
Dr. William Schimmel

New York is a Global Microcosm and the accordion is part of it, an integral part. It contributes to it in a profound way. Over the years, we at The Seminars have formed a community of artists dedicated to the exploration of every aspect of the accordion that can join forces with the rest of the music world on an equal basis.

The Accordion Global Association is the ultimate step into that dimension. There are those who want to prove that the accordion is “another instrument” in the fold. And there are those who believe that it’s “a special instrument” making it stand out among all of the instruments. We believe in both. It stands out and it blends In. We have more shapes, sizes, colors and instruments that are accordions in the basic sense and other instruments that are offshoots of the accordion and other Instruments that are accordion like and instruments that call themselves accordions that use another name. It seems to mutate. It goes on and on and on. Yet it survives. It was composer, Luciano Berio, who stated that: “each accordion has its own genetic makeup”

We explore everything and make ourselves ready for any professional situation. And we do it as “Art”. We understand the “Gigging Economy” of today and we prepare ourselves for it. We also continue what was known as “Performance Art”, now “Performance”, exploring wevery theatrical aspect of the Accordion. We work with Dance, Video, new stuff, old stuff, new takes on old stuff, installations and other aspects of the visual arts.

The Seminars just might be for you, if you bring an open mind and an open heart. Of course, they’re open to anyone interested.You will leave with a year full of new information, angles, new takes on vintage information he “Historical Sense” and some Academic presentations. It’s not a World Music weekend (we love them, by all means go to them), it’s not a Talent Show or a Competition . Every one brings important work to it. We emphasize that. It’s not an intellectual weekend, but a “smart one”. You will understand everything we say. We will use no esoteric shop talk or “inside information” lingo. It’s an immersion of directions that are best taken in as a complete weekend experience.

See you at The 2022 Seminars – AGA – Accordion Global Association
Dr. William Schimmel – Founder and Curator

For further information: