The American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) Live Festival, Summer 2022
November 1st 2021
Joan Grauman Morse, AAA Historian
Governing Board of the AAA has been excitedly planning our 2022 AAA Festival and is very excited about getting together in person again! Performers and workshop leaders will be announced shortly.
New events are being planned for the evenings, and along with the festival orchestra performance at the Saturday banquet, we will feature the always delightful US Air Force Strolling Strings and the 2022 AAA Lifetime Achievement Award for longtime AAA Board member, Frank Busso, Sr. (see article “AAA Festival 2022” in the Breaking News section of the AAA website: for more about Frank’s upcoming award).
The AAA will be celebrating its 84th anniversary at this festival. Do you know why the AAA was founded? The story is truly inspiring and very informative!! Please visit the article “What Events Led to the Formation of the American Accordionists’ Association?” AAA-Formation.htm which includes a 45 minute video of my workshop on this topic from the 2017 AAA Festival.
The 2022 AAA Festival will be held July 13-17, 2022 at the Marriott Philadelphia West Hotel, 111 Crawford Ave, Conshohocken, PA 19428. Conshohocken is just outside of Philadelphia, close to the airport and many historical attractions, art museums, a zoo and beautiful nature trails. See you there!!