2024 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG), Int. Competition

August 1st 2024
Heather Masefield
ATG logo

The ATG hosted its 82nd Competition and Festival 23-28 July in Kansas City to honour Joan Cochran Sommers celebrating 90 years.

Videos of the contestants at: 2024ATGcompetition

The 4 entrants in the International Competition drew for playing order on Thursday July 25th and performed so well on Friday 26th July that the ATG Board further increased the two money prizes to include all four contestants.

1st US$5,000 Radu Ratoi (Moldova)
2nd US$3,000 Leonoid Florin Muravjov (Sweden)
3rd US$500 Joaquin Munoz Donoso (Chile)
4th US$300 Elijah Clements (USA)