Articles Index

July 24th 2023
Harley Jones

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“Articles” contains many interesting articles about accordion. Any opinions expressed within these articles are not necessarily the opinion of any of the staff of Accordions Worldwide. We will be adding articles here regularly.

75th Anniversary concert, concert program, video, of the Faculty of Folk Instruments at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
75th-Deutsch flag_de
Friedrich Lips
100 years of Astor Piazzolla Edizione Curzi
Accordeon Jazz Salon, Haifa, Israel, owner Alex Neuman Eli Bass
‘An Audience with the Accordion Champions’ CD, Scotland, UK. Rob Howard
Heinrich Band: Namesake, But Not Inventor of the Bandoneon , Introduction by Ulrich Schmuelling Norbert Seidel
Heinrich Band: Namensgeber, aber nicht Erfinder des Bandoneons, Introduction by Ulrich Schmuelling flag_deNorbert Seidel
Hohner Accordion Symphony Orchestra Tour to New Zealand in 1955 Harley Jones
Salvatore di Gesualdo ItalianSalvatore Costantini
John Jones, Honoured by Royalty   Rob Howard
Alice Dells, England’s First International Accordion Star Rob Howard
Frosini Workshop – Las Vegas 2005 Bernadette Conlon
Vivian Vivio Stolaruk Memorial International Competition Faithe Deffner
American Scene – A Tour Through The Eyes of Bernadette Bernadette Conlon
Accordion and General Music Education H. Scheibenreif
The Accordion As A Chamber Instrument Robert Davine
The Accordion Bands Edmund Whitehouse
Il Premio Internazionale a Castelfidardo, Quando la fisarmonica, la fa da padrona ItalianGerlando Gatto
International Castelfidardo PIF Competition, Where the accordion makes her a mistress Gerlando Gatto
Accordion Contest Chiz Bishop
The Accordion is Rooted in Many Cultures Faithe Deffner
The Accordion Plays Jazz (Italian & English) Simone Zanchini
Accordion Reed Production  Voci Armoniche s.r.l.
Accordion Study Produces Community Benefits Faithe Deffner
Active Music Making expands the Brain Harley Jones
Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra 1984 Tour Fay Schaw
The Alexander Technique & Accordion Playing  Jacob Ter Leeuw
Angels and Accordions Ed Gawlinski
Art Van Damme (1983) Steven Solomon
Art Van Damme (1996) Bob Berta
British College of Accordionists – The 7th Decade (70th Year) Raymond Bodell
CD news from Austria, Finland and France Paolo Picchio
Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions B. Bugiolacchi
Competition  Faithe Deffner
The Contest Learning Experience Faithe Deffner
Creativita: la Forma “Fantasia” (1) (2) Renzo Ruggieri
Bayan Development, Russia  H. Scheibenreif
Dedicated to Parents Sandra Martin
The Diatonic Accordion G. van Dijke
Do you have your Accordion on Correctly? Gary Dahl
Establishing the Chinese Accordion School Wu Shou Zhi
Gary Blair’s 2007 American Tour Gary Blair
Historical Accordion Events Poeluev, Shishkina
How 1996 came to be the Year of the Accordion Faithe Deffner
How an Accordion is Made Unkown
How to Make Lesson Time Fly Joan Sommers
Important Symposium in Paris B. Bugiolacchi
Information About Accordion Microphones Peter Shearer
Joe Cerrito, Consummate Musician and Extraordinary Educator Joan Grauman
The Life of the Living Legend – Anthony Galla-Rini  H. Scheibenreif
In Memory of Bill Hughes Bill Palmer
Italian Accordion Industry Information (German & English  Press Release
It seems like yesterday (German & English Friedrich Lips
It seems like yesterday (Two posters for one Concert)  Friedrich Lips
LynnMarie’s Passion for Squeezing Kate Kelsall
The Main Squeeze Richard Guilliatt
Making It while Faking It “Yogi” Martin
Malcolm Gee Obituary Helen Kemp
My Wonderful Trip Bernadette Conlon
Musician or Magician Mary Tokarski of the “K” Trio
Notazione “actual pitch” e notazione “loco tastature” ItalianPaolo Picchio
Piazzolla 100 Years Edizione Curzi
Piazzolliana (Russian & English) flag_ru Vladimir Ushakov
Playing the Accordion Benefits Your BrainRita Barnea
Popular Music in Today’s Society Gary Dahl
Registers of the Standard Stradella Keyboard Donald Balestrieri
Review: Astor Piazzolla – A Memoire Kieth Elshaw
Review of: Give Yourself A Raise by Jean Oelrich Kevin Friedrich
Review: If Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect, What Does? Frances Clark
Review of: Teach Your Students How to Practice Jean Donaldson
Roll Out The Accordion, Polka Music & Oktoberfest Mary Rogelstad
Russian Academy of Music H. Scheibenreif
Safeguarding Intellectual Property Toby Hanson
Save Time Tuning Accordions!   Mirco Patarini
So You Have Been Asked to Play for a Dance Wallace Liggett
The Tex-Mex Sound Instituto Cultural Mexicano
The Unofficial Conjunto Primer Carlos Guerra
Toralf Tollefsen’s Daughter Remembers Jon Faukstad
Using Accordion to Teach Music in Elementary School – USA Joan Grauman
Visit to the Dallape Accordion Factory Steve and Maggie Roxton
What I Learned from Accordion Lessons Cheri Thurston
Willard “Bill” Palmer’s Legacy Faithe Deffner
Who was first? Unknown

These articles are covered by copyright. They have been reprinted here with permission from the authors. This permission cannot be passed onto other organisations, and are not to be reprinted in any format whatsoever. For more information, read the Accordions Worldwide copyright.

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