Accordion Lovers! Almost Fifty Years of Love!

June 1st 2022
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
Fifty years
Baby Accordion

I have always had great admiration for people who develop life long hobbies, whatever they may be. Of course, I am interested in musicians who have played the accordion for fifty or more years! What made you love the accordion so much that you still play it today. Any kind of accordion: keyboard, button, bayan, diatonic etc.

For those of you who are wondering? YES! I am a proud member of the “50 plus Accordion Club”! I am so very grateful to my parents for introducing me to the accordion which has had a lasting positive effect on me for my entire life! I cannot imagine a day without playing or listening to accordion music. I am sure that many of you also feel similarly. Tell me about it!!

AWW wants your story!!! No matter what your level of skill is, I am interested. I am working on a project to learn about the thoughts of people with life long commitment to the accordion. I will include an article about my findings in a future publication of news. Would you like to contribute your story to this worthwhile project? We are interested in hearing about your musical background specifically pertaining to your experiences with the accordion. OK. If it is not exactly 50 years, that is OK too. The point is that you devoted much of your life to playing, learning and loving the accordion! Would you like to contribute your story to this worthwhile project?

Former AAA President Mary Tokarski has contributed the first article which is included immediately after this one.

Please send your info including photos of you with your accordion over the years. Maximum of 3 photos, please. You may include one or two video links of your performance either solo or in an ensemble.

Please send the info to me at:

Please use these questions as a guideline to write your story of the accordion’s influence in your life:

Q. Why do you love playing the accordion and why is it such a great thing in your life?

Q. Is there any teacher or artist to whom you would like to pay particular tribute, for their inspirational effect on your musical career.

Q  How long have you been playing accordion? 

Q  What got you started  playing the accordion? Who were your teachers?

Q. What role did your parents or family members play in your early music education?

Q. What are your earliest memories of performing?

Q. When were your first professional concerts (if you had them) ?

Q. Or, when do you remember your first public performance?

Q. How has your musical career impacted on your personal life?

Q. How has your playing the accordion affected people in your life?

Q. Who are your favorite musicians and musical groups?  Which musicians or musical groups of today or the past do you like and why?”                                                                                                                                           
Q. What are your favorite types of music?

Q . List some of your most interesting and important performances.

Q. Describe your most “unusual” or “humorous” performance situations?

Q. What other interests and hobbies besides music do you have?

Q. What do you regard as your greatest achievement? What musical achievements are you most proud of?

Q. What musical advice do you have for aspiring accordionists/musicians/composers?

Q. How does the use of the accordion enhance your compositions (if you compose) or why do you use the accordion?

Q. Any accordionist you admire or recommend we listen to? … no obligation to answer if you are uncomfortable with the question.

Q. What kind of creative patterns, routines, or rituals do you have in practicing your instrument/instruments?

Q. What’s the best advice you received about playing music/accordion? 

Q. Any thoughts which you would like to share with readers about you, your future aspirations, thoughts on the future of the accordion? 

Q. Please include your education credentials: College degree, honors, rewards, etc….  

Q. Was your family musical and did your parents play an important part in your early music education?

Q. Is there any teacher (teachers) or artist to whom you would like to pay particular tribute, for their inspirational effect on your musical career or enjoyment of playing the accordion?

Thank you again!! I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Submit all info to: