AWW Founder/Editor Harley Jones Celebrates 70th Birthday in True Accordion Style

July 16th 2023
Christine Johnstone

Picture above: Heather Masefield with brother Harley Jones

Accordions Worldwide founder Harley Jones, celebrated his 70th birthday in true accordion style at the Milford Cruising Club, Auckland, New Zealand on June 10th, 2023.

The event saw a large number of accordionists, past and present members of the North Shore Accordion Orchestras and the New Zealand Accordion Association plus many family friends.

Entertainment was provided by Tracey Collins and Lee Gray (guitar and vocals – pictured below) with a special set by Maurice Jones and his daughter Alanah Jones (vocals – picture top right). The venue was magnificently decorated by Harley’s niece Amber Masefield who was also in charge of photographing the event, pictured with brother Grayson Masefield lower right.

Event pictures: harleyjones/70.htm