The American Accordionists’ Association (AAA) invites you all to attend our Carrozza Scholarship Fundraiser on September 15, 2024 from 12:PM to 5:PM ash the Famee Furlane Club, College Point, New York.
Performers will include Alex Chudolij, Lilliana Chudolij, Dominic Karcic, Mario Tacca, Mary Mancini, Ray Oreggia, and Frank Toscano.
The $85 sent ticket includes a buffet dinner, bottles of wine, entertainment and dancing.
The ticket order form (online in the poster) should be mailed to:
American Accordionists’ Association
c/o Ray Oreggio, Treasurer
36 Renee Road, Syosset, NY 11791
For event details and to become an AAA member, please visit
RSVP by September 4, 2024