Children’s Corner Section to Begin in February
January 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
Video: Elayne’s Jingle Bells Extravaganza!: Elayne Doggett performs Jingle Bells using her talents at tap,gymnastics, piano, voice and accordion in one single, self-choreographed compilation! Experience the joy of the holiday season through the eyes of this 9-year-old performer!
As of February 2021, the USA News will include a new news category: “Children’s Corner” section in which we will encourage and feature our young upcoming accordionists. Children who are ages 1-12 are eligible for this section of the news.
Elayne Doggett is the accordion student of Elena Fainshtein. Elena shares, “Elayne is a very talented positive girl. The accordion adds a spark to her life. She began the accordion in April 2020. Her mother, Veronika, is the pianist in the video. They live in Plano,Texas but we have never met! All the lessons are through Skype. Elayne played the piano for about four years before and is a very talented child.”
Children, adults, and teachers are welcome to submit news items, videos, reports and photos to:
Please submit the information before the 26th of the month for a 1st of the month publication. Thank you.