Dean Olsher’s Debut Album, “Letters of Transit” Released on March 29 on Bandcamp
April 1st 2023
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
Accordionist Will Holshouser, shares, “Congrats to my friend Dean Olsher, Words & Music on his debut album, ‘Letters of Transi’t. I was very happy he asked me to produce. Dean wrote, arranged and played accordion on a beautiful set of music — his own compositions, plus music by Scott Joplin, G.B. Pergolesi, and Rogers & Hart — with an amazing band including Rez Abbasi, David Bertrand, George Farmer Bass, Jerome Harris: Musician, Willie Martinez, Meg Okura, and Satoshi Takeishi.
Two extra special guest (ghost?) vocalists were featured: Rachelle Garniez and Suzzy Roche. Everyone played beautifully and was kind and supportive. As always, it was totally delightful to work with Scott Lehrer at 2nd Story Sound. What a fun experience. It’s on Adhyaropa Records, and you can find it on Bandcamp now (three tracks are already out).
Letters of transit, hidden in Sam’s piano, drive the plot of Casablanca. Anyone bearing such a letter could board a plane to Lisbon and evade the Nazis. Eighty years later, Americans were driven to flee political danger by once again escaping to Portugal. In the 1930s and 40s, those who lacked the means to escape fascism pursued an “inner emigration.”
Dean Olsher’s own inner emigration has been to devote himself deeply to what he loves most about America, which is its music. Like himself, the country is hybrid in nature. “That’s what makes us interesting as a nation, and also vulnerable. “Letters of Transit” is about musical pluralism and how it reflects the America I want to live in.”
Tracks: “Letters of Transit”; Forget I Was Ever Here”; “The Perilous Night”; “Solace” (Joplin); “Parfois”; “Manhattan” (Rodgers); “Hymn”; “Mentre l’erbetta” (Pergolesi); “Lullaby”.
Dean Olsher is a street musician and composer whose works have been performed by chamber groups, broadcast outlets, and the annual TED Conference. His performance of Erik Satie’s music, on accordion, was featured on This American Life. He makes his living as a music therapist.
Dean shares, “Today’s the day! (March 29) “Letters of Transit”, the full album from Adhyâropa Records, is on Bandcamp now.
At some point during the pandemic, I asked myself: What do I want to do with my remaining time on Earth? I answered: Before I die, I’d like to record an album of my music. Also, I would like it to feature other people playing my compositions with me. One more thing: It would be great if the wonderful accordionist/composer Will Holshouser could produce it. I am so very grateful to him for his stewardship. This album would have never been born without Will at the helm.
And look at this collection of phenomenal musicians performing alongside me:
* Meg Okura, violin
* David Bertrand, bass clarinet
* Rez Abbasi, guitar
* George Farmer, bass (tracks 1-3, 5, 9)
* Jerome Harris, bass (4, 6, 8)
* Willie Martinez, drums/percussion (2-3, 5, 9)
* Satoshi Takeishi, drums/percussion (4, 6, 8)
* Rachelle Garniez, vocal (2)
* Suzzy Roche, vocal (7)
I feel so lucky to have them here interpreting my compositions. All of them gave from their deepest selves, and in my book that is the greatest gift a musician can offer.
Today is a perfectly good Friday to buy “Letters of Transit”. A week from today is also good, because that’s Bandcamp Friday—the first Friday of the month, the day when artists receive an even larger portion of the proceeds. The album is on all the big streaming platforms, too, but you’re helping to make the world a better place if you seek out music on Bandcamp.
For further information:
For media requests about “Letters of Transit” please contact Adhyâropa Records at