Welcome to the February USA News. Read interesting articles and view videos of new recordings, concerts, instructional books, workshops, live and online performances and more!
Special thanks to Karen Fremar for granting permission to put two videos online, one a historical recording of her performing with Jeff Lisenby (US Champ Duo in Concert). The other video is dedicated by Karen to Jeff.
The US Accordion Champions Karen Fremar and Jeff Lisenby were recorded in Cedar Point, Ohio on July 24,1976. The duo performed the concert before a packed house of nearly 1,000 people. To hear Karen and Jeff perform together is truly memorable and inspiring.
As of February 2021, the USA News includes a new section: “Children’s Corner” in which we will feature our young upcoming accordionists. Children up to age 14 are eligible for this section of the news. You are welcome to submit, for possible publication, news items about your special students including videos, reports and photos to: Ritabelll@aol.com
Please submit the information before the 26th of the month for a 1st of the month publication.