Learning from National Music Associations: Increasing Attention to Detail
July 1st 2023
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
I have long been a member of National Music Teachers Association (NMTA) because I teach accordion and piano. I was certain that reading their periodical would give me new ideas and increase my teaching skills. What has surprised me is that the NMTA’s bimonthly magazine, American Music Teacher, always has ideas that apply not only to teaching but can also be integrated into my accordion playing. They are not always earth-moving new ideas; often they are simple reminders of things I have forgotten or become lazy with. I have come to value what I glean from the magazine.
Each issue of the periodical features a “How Do You…?” section. The June/July 2023 feature focuses on increasing attention to detail. Chee-Hwa Tan—composer, educator, former head of piano pedagogy at the University of Denver and currently on the pedagogy faculties at the Oberlin Conservatory—writes, “Details matter because attention to them creates the emotional connection in music, thus giving us ‘story’.”
Here are some reminders and helpful ideas I took away from this article:
* Carefully look over new music before attempting to play.
* Who is the composer? What do you know about him/her?
* Note measures or sections that might be tricky.
* Note repeated patterns, chord progressions, scales—anything helpful that will assist in learning this particular selection.
* Every week or two, record yourself, then listen to the recording while following the music.
* What details did you do well (dynamic markings, slur, staccato, etc.)?
* What details did you miss?
* Did each note get its full value?
* What are the measures/sections that need the most work?
* Did the “details” give emotional strength to the story of the music?
There is much to take away from supplementing your ATG membership with a membership in another music organization. By reading their periodical and asking yourself, “What in this magazine would help me improve my accordion playing and increase my understanding of music?” you can move further towards becoming a better musician.
Esther Lanting is Executive Secretary of ATG