Meet Accordionist “Papa Joe” DeClemente
July 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News

Do you know Papa Joe De Clemente? He is one of the most upbeat, positive, musical, and friendly people I have ever met. He exudes positivity and caring toward everyone who meets him. Before COVID,“Papa Joe” De Clemente volunteered once a week early in the morning to assist the music teacher, Linda Holcomb, at an elementary school music program at Public-school 203Q, in Bayside, Queens which may be one of the only elementary schools in the five boroughs of New York City that has a student accordion band.
The school started their accordion band fifteen years ago. They meet once a week, at the beginning of the school day to practice various songs that they will perform throughout the year. Papa Joe volunteers his time to join the students for rehearsals and he inspires them to be better accordionists. Among the many things he does for them, he also fixes their accordions! Hopefully, these activities will resume very soon.
Accordionist Papa Joe DeClemente said, “Without a doubt, the COVID-19 situation has had a tremendous impact on everyone. When the crisis hit us in March of 2020, everything in New York shut down. Gigs got either cancelled or postponed. In addition, the Elementary School band that I worked with got cancelled. But hopefully they will start up again in September 2021.However, within a short time thereafter, I noticed that there was a light, not at the end of the tunnel, but in that tunnel and it wasn’t a train heading my way.
The Covid crisis had its biggest impact on the larger parties but I noticed that people still did their best to work around that. The crisis actually created more smaller parties and the accordion entertainment business became more attractive. Over the past year I have play more engagements & weddings than in the prior seven years combined. Besides engagements & weddings, restaurants have started to open their doors to live entertainment. For me, I found that I had to avoid singing, during those days, but that helped me to improve my playing techniques. In February, I played a Sweet 16 Birthday party for a member of the Johnson & Johnson family which was held outdoors on a hill top. Despite the crazy weather conditions, it turned out to be one of my favorite gigs and I was treated exceptionally well. Attached is a photo of that gig. Now that the mask requirements have been lifted for vaccinated people, which I am one, I started using my singing talent with the accordion again and I am having a blast.”
Joe shares his love for the accordion, “To me, music has been a language that crosses all barriers, speaking to all people and bringing joy to those who listen. The box has been my pal for over 60 years and I am glad the Lord gave me this special gift”
Joe has been married to his wife, Janet, for 52 years this August 17th and is the father of 4 kids and has 11 grandchildren. Over the years, he has shared his love of the accordion with many people all over the world who developed a love and appreciation of the instrument because of his enthusiasm.
“Papa Joe” De Clemente, who lives in Queens, New York, was brought up in an Italian family environment and started playing the accordion at the young age of nine years old in 1956. He was interested in playing because he used to visit his relatives, the IORIO’s, who manufactured accordions in NYC, as far back as 1907. Joe has performed in numerous venues and loves to entertain people. He is also a member of the Long Island Accordion Alliance.
Music teacher, Linda Holcomb adds, “Performing for nursing homes and Senior Centers brings such joy to the people there. They love to see the children play their accordions. Our students always come home from those trips so excited, having experienced how their music can really be a blessing to others.” Joe hopes to resume teaching and repairing accordions at the school ASAP.
Joe’s accordion schedule for July 2021 is as follows:
July 3rd – Wedding
July 6th – Village Lanterne
July 9th – Children’s BirthdayParty
July 10th – Square Dance
July 11th – Birthday Party
July 13th – Village Lanterne
July 18th – Reunion
July 20th – Village Lanterne
July 27th – Village Lanterne
July 30th – Wedding
Joe shares, “In August, I am planning on doing some traveling, about 4,000 miles worth, and I will be bringing one of my squeezeboxes with me. I have already started to contact other accordionists whom I plan to visit and play with.”
Papa Joe is an enthusiastic, positive, and encouraging force in the accordion world!
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