NAA Updates and Weekly Challenge #50 of #52: Driveway Concert

February 1st 2022
Norman Seaton, President National Accordion Association (NAA)
Drs. Norman and Sharon Seaton

Drs. Norman and Sharon Seaton share important 2022 Convention Information and Weekly Challenge #50 of #52

Convention Update: All Signs Say “Go!”
If you are even thinking about coming to the annual National Accordion Convention, register today, Why? Because the planning committee and the hotel folks need to finalize our plans with accurate numbers, especially because the lunches and banquet are included in the prices.

Remember, if you need to cancel after enrolling, money will be refunded quickly.
Hotel Registration (closes February 23 with guaranteed perks):

Booking Link:

Convention Registration (we need to update the hotel chefs on Monday Jan 31)
Registration Link: 2022 Convention Registration Form
Convention Band Music: Practice these musical selections to be ready to play in the group activities during the convention. 

Challenge #50 of #52: Driveway Concerts:
Plan a Driveway Concert for an upcoming spring weekend and invite the neighbors! How brave are you? I received a wonderful suggestion from accordionist Dale Mathis in Arizona: Give a concert for the folks in your neighborhood and hold it in your driveway (or front porch etc.)

To quote Dale: “Here is an idea … Prepare to perform a driveway concert! It’s been happening in my neighborhood. I did one last Spring, and I may do one in the next few months when the 5:00 PM weather here in Arizona is perfect for an outdoor gathering.

* When I did the last one, I printed up eighty half-sheet hand-out sheets, then my wife and I walked the block and rang doorbells. It is a great way to meet neighbors. We started with, “Hi, I’m your neighbor down the street, I’m not selling anything, I’m here to invite you to my driveway concert this Friday evening.” Getting people to show up is all about personal connection, thus, we rang the doorbell rather than just leaving a flyer on the door.

* We had about fifty people show up. It was fun. And, because it was a special event, I had to practice songs I had not played for some time to prepare. It’s a great reason to get the accordion out and play every day! You can watch the Spring 2021 Driveway Concert video on my You Tube channel: Dale Mathis Accordion. March 3, 2021

What a great way to promote the accordion! I’m assuming it was a free concert, so there was little commitment on the part of the neighbors. It gave them an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors on a weekend and a chance to meet others. For the accordionist, it is a reason to prepare music to perform and to show off a musical instrument that is little known to many people.

A further comment by Dale in response to last week’s Challenge quoting Mitchell White on practicing:
 “A deadline is a terrific motivator. The majority of folks to whom I sell accordions have had jobs for decades, but now they are retired. There is no need to set the morning alarm, no need to worry about the morning commute, no need to meet that production goal at the plant, no need to finish that report. Now they have time to join a club, visit the grandkids, take that once-in-a-lifetime trip.

All of those are great activities, but after you have taken that trip and have accomplished a few other things you said you would do “after I retire,” there is still a need to participate in a daily activity that helps you feel alive and keeps you from becoming a couch potato. Hundreds, probably thousands, of university studies have been written to prove that playing a musical instrument is excellent for brain and physical health. And, of course, playing the accordion requires a certain amount of physical and mental ability. So, we play accordion to stay healthy and we stay healthy so we can continue to make accordion music.”

For further information: NAA