National Accordion Association News Release

April 1st 2021
Sharon Seaton
Sharon Seaton

Virtual Horizons for the Accordion Community! Virtual Accordion Teachers Wanted!

Send Sharon Seaton a YouTube and/or ZOOM Training Session

Virtual Horizons! (also known as ZOOM, SKYPE, JoinMe, Google Meetings, etc.)
Effective April 1, 2021, National Accordion Association officials are upgrading the web-based National Training Center to include Virtual Horizons for future accordion events. The COVID-19 Survival Kit information will be removed.

Rough History:
Since the accordion was introduced to the USA and Canada communities in the 1800s and popularized by the general population in the Vaudeville days, the accordion has survived many worldwide wars, depressions, unusual political actions, terrorist attacks, public scorn, and just about everything else. Yet, accordionists are survivalists. While COVID-19 has slowed us down for a year, it also opened many new horizons of opportunities.

Virtual Meetings:
Computer technology as we know it started in the mid-1960s with the introduction of computer operating systems. While virtual meetings are rapidly gaining in popularity since the beginning of the 2000s, COVID-19 has forced the public to engage in digital activities such as family meetings, business practices, medical appointments, educational activities, musical performances, and recreational pleasures. The only other option is to disengage and to lose contact with others. Accordionists survive on social contact and are very resistant to losing contact with others, especially the accordion communities.

Giving Back to our Community we Serve:
The National Accordion Association is giving back to the community we serve by offering a connecting service among students and instructors, regardless of the current playing skills. We are encouraging all teachers to allow the NAA to list your name and contact information on our website. Additionally, we are asking for a short interactive YouTube recording demonstrating your virtual teaching techniques. View our website and Virtual Horizons in the title bar for live examples.
Do not become a COVID-19 victim! Get involved with the virtual accordion community.

National Accordion Conventions:
The NAA conventions will continue to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in North Dallas Hotel until further notice.
The scheduled dates are:
* March 16-19, 2022
* March 15-18, 2023