Online: New England Music Festival Welcomes Adult Virtual Competitors

March 1st 2022
Pamela Tom

Online: The New England Music Festival is an annual musical competition sponsored by the Accordion Teachers Association of Massachusetts, Inc, (ATAM). ATAM celebrates its 60th Festival, April 8-10, 2022 at the Boston Marriott Newton Hotel (Newton, MA). The Festival averages more than 3000 entries and 800 contestants from New England. Youth and adult categories exist for accordion, piano, guitar, voice and drum. Youth under 19 years old may compete if their teacher is a member of ATAM. Adults (over 19 years old) may participate from outside of New England as they do not have to take lessons from an ATAM member.

This year’s festival features in-person and online formats. In-person adult categories include: New England Championship (two classical compositions); classical; non-classical; and digital. This year ATAM is offering only one virtual solo accordion category (non-classical) for adults. The time limit for solos is 6 minutes; the NE Championship is 15 minutes.

There is a nominal entry fee for solo ($20), group ($10/member) and New England Championship Competition ($40) categories. Memorization is optional! Participants will be judged on interpretation, tempo, dynamics, phrasing, technique, and musicianship, and medals will be based on score results: Gold Medal—Excellent (95-100); Silver Medal–Very Good (90-94); and Bronze Medal–Good (85-89). In this contest you will be competing against yourself. Everyone who scores 85 or higher will be eligible to receive a medal. Details are available at: New England Music Festival

The entry closing date and date that the fees must be received is March 21, 2022 and your video entry must be uploaded to YouTube by April 1, 2022.