Rachel Bell Releases Tune Book, “This Part of the World”
April 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News

Rachel Bell announces that Pre-orders for her tune book, “This Part of the World”, will begin on April 2, 2021 on Bandcamp. Rachel said, “It will be really exciting to get this out into the world! 80 jigs, reels, marches, waltzes, mazurkas, bourrees, and more, along with the stories of how and why I wrote them.”
Rachel Bell is performer, tunesmith, and teacher who is sought after for concerts, contra dances, French bal folk dances, English country dances, workshops, and festivals–all in virtual form during the pandemic. Rachel dreams every day of the time when all of these activities can resume as joyous, in-person, community experiences.
She plays with Eloise & Co., Peregrine Road, Alchemy, and Old World Charm School. Her playing spans an enormous range of emotion, from nuanced and sensitive to exhilarating and powerful. Excerpts from her website: Over a decade of musical travel has landed her smack-dab in the middle of some of her most exciting projects ever. A vibrant and versatile collaboration with Karen Axelrod, exquisite violin and viola sounds from Eric Martin, a rich and energetic contra dance band called Seaglass, and a slew of French-focused music and dance adventures with Susan Kevra are just the tip of the iceberg.
A recent addition has been a joyful musical partnership with Becky Tracy, and other combinations often round out the mix. There is a CD available also.
Future 2021 Performances:
Mon Apr 12, 7:PM: Peregrine Road: Atlanta Disdance Virtual English Country Dance
Fri Apr 23 to Apr 25: Peregrine Road & Eloise & Co. at NEFFA online New England Folk Festival online! With tons of different performers, topics, workshops, dances, and concerts! Be sure to browse the schedule and see what all is happening throughout the weekend!
Mon May 3, 7:PM: Peregrine Road: Nashville English Country dance online Exact time TBA
Fri May 7, 10:PM: Peregrine Road: Lake City Contra Dance
For further information: rachel@rachelbellmusic.com