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1. Video Broadcast by Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA). View the video above in large size at: WorldAccordioDay2021 and all the other 2021 reports.
2. Video: 2021 World Accordion Day, World of Accordions Museum – USA. This is reported at: 2021USWAM
3. The Associazione Promotion Arte led by Renzo Ruggieri organizes “Absolute Premiere” online video of:
– Vincenzo Abbracciante “Orizzonte”
– Andrea Di Giacomo “Suite Abruzzo”
– Marco Gemelli “Resíliens”
– Roberto Palermo Ensemble “Mediterranima”
– Renzo Ruggieri Mauro De Federicis “Ciak”
Video and details of each new composition in Italian and English at: 2021AbsolutePremiere
4. World Accordion Day 2021, Brazil, Portugal, Others – International
Video 1: 10 clips of performances by many famous players.
Video 2: Video of Fabrica de Gaiteiros introduced by Samanta Albuquerque of the Oswaldinho do Acordeon Institute