Rochelle Morse Thompson Plays Accordion After 54 Year Pause

June 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News

Video: Rochelle Thompson plays “Star Spangled Banner”

Accordionist/music teacher Elena Fainshtein shares, “I am so proud of my new student- Rochelle. Nobody can tell that she has been playing her accordion only a couple of months after 50 years of not touching an instrument. Great job!” Rochelle said, “Almost 4 months of playing after a 54 year pause. Here’s my tribute to the fallen, in honor of the US Memorial Day holiday. Thank you to my extraordinary instructor, Elena Fainshtein!”

Rochelle Thompson found her way back to the accordion after a 54 year break. With her parent’s encouragement, she took lessons as an elementary student in Chicago for about two years. Although she took a “short” break, she remained musically inclined by singing in school choirs, and went on to join an adult vocal ensemble that performed the National Anthem at a Rangers Game in Arlington, Texas. With the Pandemic, she found herself in need of a distraction and wondered if she could return to playing the ol’ squeeze box.

After purchasing a new-to-her accordion she found renowned teacher, Elena Fainshtein. Elena happened to also be the same teacher as the previous owner of her accordion! With Elena’s help, her passion for music, and accordion muscle memory after all these years, Rochelle is now playing songs from the Palmer Hughes Book 4, including the Star Spangled Banner which she was excited to play as a tribute for Memorial Day.

This story is very inspiring. It teaches us that it is never too late to learn something new, develop new skills or relearn and renew interest in a hobby from long ago! All that is needed is the desire and determination to improve.

Best wishes to Rochelle for continuing enjoyment of the accordion!