The Business of ”Music Birthday Parties for Children”
April 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News

In addition to being a full time public school music teacher who used the accordion every day in the classroom for many years, I also ran a music birthday party business centered around the accordion. It was fun, interesting and a great way to supplement my income. It took me many years of trial and error to come up with a great plan to entertain at parties ages 1-10 years.
What a fun and educational way to celebrate a child’s birthday! With music including songs, games, and instruments. Using your accordion is an ideal way to be totally portable! You can provide entertainment in any venue be it someone’s home, outdoors or in a restaurant. I know you will find this to be both profitable, educational, entertaining and a great way to promote the accordion! I was very busy and always booked more parties from people in attendance.
For many years, I had a successful children’s birthday party business featuring the accordion. It is a unique and fun way for you to earn extra income. I suggest that you experiment with your ideas and program by entertaining relatives and friends children, volunteering at daycare center or nursery school. Below are some of the ideas which I implemented. I have shared these ideas at accordion conventions. The ideas below represent many years of entertaining at children parties, ages 1 to 10. I include one year old parties because they include the older siblings and relatives and friends children:
Who says a party must be indoors? When kids are involved, outdoor events are often the better choice! Included here are some fun activities I offer for the great outdoors (and indoors) All these activities promote camaraderie and good positive values among the youngsters from ages 1 to about 10 years of age.
Music is timeless. All will enjoy your entertainment. By all, I mean the children as well as the adults who are watching (and most likely, will want to join in!) Have some extra jingles ready to give out to the little ones that are held on the lap of parents and friends.
Equipment needed:
1. YOUR ACCORDION!!😀 If you really get into doing parties, I suggest a smaller sized red accordion that you can decorate with stickers!
2. A selection of rhythm instruments including: jingle bells, maracas, tambourines, bongo drums, triangles, etc. I do not recommend rhythm sticks since they sometimes go from being an instrument to being a weapon!!! (Believe me from personal experience!)
3. A selection of prerecorded songs for dancing and games including: “The Chicken Dance”, “Limbo” “Hokey Pokey” etc. Of course if you know the music, you can play it on your accordion.
4. Broom stick or long scarf to serve as a limbo stick.
5. Fun and silly party hats for the guests with a special hat for the birthday child.
6. A baton for the birthday child to lead the band. You can use a light up stick or decorate a stick which you can purchase at any party store. Have an extra one so the birthday child can choose a friend to also be the conductor.
7. To order musical instruments, hats, batons, etc. online, I suggest you google the desired items. The Oriental Catalog is a popular site to order party supplies.
8. If you also plan to present an art project, one of the simplest and most useful one is for the children to: create their own tambourines. All you need is paper plates, stickers ( music stickers or cartoon characters, etc.), dried beans, glue sticks, stapler. The children decorate the paper plates, glue together, add beans and then seal. They can use them during your presentation or take them home as a party favor. This is very economical for the parents of the birthday child. Bring all supplies with you.
9. Your outfit: Colorful, musical…. a musical scarf or pin, shirt etc.
Main Part of Party Entertainment:
The birthday child is the center of attention, the leader of his very own band! Have the child stand next to you. Give him or her the special hat and baton. Tell them you have something very special in your case (accordion case). Ask him if he thinks it is an animal (go through a list) or a pizza! ( or other type of food) or anything else you think the child would enjoy. Have him tap on the case. Then open it very slowly and they will be surprised to see your accordion. “Wow, What is that?” It may be the first time he ever saw an accordion!
Tell them that each button is a special song. Of course any button they press is the song you want to play or that you know they would like to hear. …… Press a button…….maybe it will be “Happy Birthday” or “ABC”s” 😉
Show the child how to use the baton to conduct. Have the friends clap and stop clapping according to the stop and go of the baton.
Most important!!!!!!!!………. REST POSITION…… first of the hands and then after the instruments. “When I stop conducting, you stop playing. Put your hands or instruments in your lap, in rest position”
Hand out instruments. Put instrument on floor in front of child and tell them not to play until the signal is given which is the waving of the baton.
List of songs you may choose from (add your own!):
1. “ABC”
2. “Wheels on the Bus”
3. “Old Macdonald Farm”
4. “BINGO”
5. “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
6. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
7. “Row Row Row Your Boat”
8. “Its Bitsy Spider”
9. “Head Shoulders Knees & Toes”
10. “If You’re Happy & You Know It”
11. The Grand Finale to the party is the Big Parade….. you can consult with the parents of the birthday child and march the children to the lunch or birthday cake table. Everyone marches around the room, restaurant, or yard, etc. You lead the parade with your accordion followed by the birthday child band leader and friends. (Adults, too!). You will be surprised at how many adult relatives and friends like to participate and, why not? Music is timeless and universal.
12. The point is to be flexible. Some parents want the entertainment first before refreshments. Some like the entertainment after eating.
Guaranteed Success Every Time! Many times I was booked again for the following year for the same child, siblings, friends, or relatives. Every party is individualized and unique.
Additional suggestions: As time allows, you can also have the birthday child ask a friend or two to take a turn conducting the band to a song. The children will truly love this special honor.
The parents and guests usually are watching the program. You can also give the grandparents or aunts and friends an instrument which they will enjoy playing also. You might even give a jingle to the baby they are holding on their lap.
You might consider having a business card made including your contact info, etc. My business was called: “Happy Birthday Party Productions”. You are welcome to use this name if you like it.
If you have any questions or concerns, you are always welcome to contact me at I am happy to offer more ideas and suggestions to help you create your own unique children’s birthday party business. Good luck!