Updates for Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration June 17-20

June 1st 2021
Rita Davidson Barnea, Editor Accordion USA News
Leavenworth Festival

The LIAC, sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society, will take place on June 17-20, 2021.
It will be an outdoor event.: Because of COVID, Festhalle activities will have to be cancelled this year. However, the good news is that we intend to have plenty of entertainment at the gazebo. We also have a lovely garden space for jamming and workshops outdoors. There are also plans to have a virtual adjudication event for students. We are excited to have a great, yet safe festival for accordionists and tourists.  

For those wishing to perform at the gazebo during LIAC 2021, contact Doris Osgood to reserve your performance time.  A sign- up schedule may be viewed now at

Update on playing at the Gazebo:
Masks will no longer be required when playing on the gazebo stage. Also, there won’t be restrictions on the number of people that can be performing at the same time on the stage.
This is all due to the removal of restrictions in Washington State due to improvement in the Covid situation. It is highly suggested that those that are not vaccinated should wear a mask.
Anyone that feels more comfortable wearing a mask may certainly do so.

Go to the Gazebo page to see what time slots are available (there aren’t many).
Gazebo Schedule | Accordion Celeb (accordioncelebration.org) .

The 2022 LIAC will take place from June 16-19 2022 – back to normal! This includes the Festhalle program, workshops, and Grange activities. The LIAC website will be updated to show the “who, what, when” for 2022.

LIAC Plan for 2021:
There are 2 basic events in 2021: Student Evaluations and Live Music at the Gazebo. There are no activities in the Festhalle or Grange due to restrictions due to cover. Following is where to find information on 2021 events. (the remainder of the website shows what will be happening in 2022).

2021 LIAC Video Evaluations:
Toby Hanson, chairman of the Evaluation event, will be glad to answer all questions and help students to sign-up. He can be reached at:
(206) 245-8207 and toby.hanson@comcast.net 
To get started, here are the following links:
2021 LIAC Video Evaluation Guidelines
2021 LIAC Evaluation Submission Form

2021 Sign-up to perform at the Gazebo:
We are now taking sign-ups for those who would like to perform at the gazebo.
For those interested in the Gazebo Ensemble, we will be performing on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The Gazebo Ensemble Music Book can be downloaded and printed.
Information for playing at the gazebo and playing in the Gazebo Ensemble:
Gazebo Schedule | Accordion Celeb (accordioncelebration.org) .

Contact Doris: dorisosgood@frontier.com or 503-357-0417 for information.

See Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration for important updates.