What happens when an IDEA becomes a GR8 IDEA??

November 1st 2022
Joseph Natoli
Joseph Natolii

Video: Symposium 5.0 Video Ad (updated)

The organization called IDEAS (International Digital Electronic Accordion Society) has been successful for the last four years with Symposiums 1.0 – 4.0 and is about to embark on a major paradigm shift and name change for Symposium 5.0.

What is that paradigm shift? IDEAS will now be dropping its acronym translation and change its name, logo, and brand to GR8 IDEAS because they will be extending an invitation to embrace all accordionists (both acoustic and digital) in this Symposium formula which has worked so well for all who have attended since 2018.

The GR8 IDEAS Symposium 5.0 will now also become a Hybrid Symposium where the Virtual portion will be held for 7 straight days, Feb 6-12, 2023 completely online via Zoom; and the Live portion will be held at The Grand Resort country club (Warren OH 44484) April 26-30, 2023.

All Symposium attendees voted to retain the virtual portion because the quality of online workshops and level of detail is much greater and more effective than what typically can be accomplished in live sessions. That is because virtual has the distinct advantage of recording and archiving every workshop, concert, and event (about 100 hours’ worth each for Symposiums 3.0 and 4.0) so that all the archived videos can be referenced for continued learning well into the future for all Symposium registrants.

As the attached video ad says however, the Live event is also highly desirable for the participants because of the multiple live concerts, jam sessions, master classes, networking, and camaraderie, not to mention the wonderful facilities of the 5-star country club of The Grand Resort which hosts the event.

Please refer to the attached video ad that explains the new GR8 IDEAS, what its goals are for Symposium 5.0, and a detailed look at this new paradigm shift:

There is an additional big announcement of a scholarship offer this year for any young person, 21 and under, to submit two video performances and a few paragraphs on why this scholarship would assist and be meaningful to them musically and/or for their musical career. This is a GR8 opportunity for any young person who wants to experience the widest possible dimensions of the accordion.

Of course, just like all the previous Symposiums, we have some of the best in the world as performing artists and on faculty. This is all being finalized, and will be announced further as final preparations are made. At this point in time however, we can confirm that we have with us Michael Bridge, Matthias Matzke, Uwe Steger, Cory Pesaturo, Eddie Monteiro, Joe Natoli, Júlia Masnicová, and Maria Teleshev.

There will be no less than Four concerts for the live portion of this Symposium, one of which will be a mixed ensemble concert of digital and acoustic accordions together playing some brand new compositions and arrangements never performed before.

Anyone reading this article is encouraged to go to the GR8 IDEAS website for both registration information and also for pictorial and video highlights of previous Symposiums for anyone who has not had the opportunity to attend previously. We hope to have you join us for one of the premiere accordion events in the world – GR8 IDEAS Symposium 5.0!